Peace be with you, dear brothers and sisters!
In recent years, on the last day of each year, each country elects a representative word to summarise the past year. In 2023, Denmark has chosen “Chat GPT” and Norway “KI-generert” (Generative Artificial Intelligence). Germany’s word of the year is “Krisenmodus” (Crisis Mode), which has become a norm after the epidemics, inflation, the Russia-Ukraine war, and the resulting energy crisis, as well as the Israeli-Harbinian conflict that erupted at the end of this year. As for Asia, Taiwan has been experiencing crises of egg shortage, electricity shortage, and labour shortage, and Taiwanese people chose “shortage” (缺) as the word of the year, while China chose “crisis” (危) as the international word of the year. As for the familiar Oxford Dictionary, it chose “hallucinate”, which means that sometimes AI creates hallucinations and produces misinformation, in response to the impact of AI on the world. It is not difficult to see the general direction of the words of the year chosen by each place, reflecting the increasing deprivation of the human psyche, the lack of a sense of security and authenticity. It is difficult to enjoy stability and peace when one’s anchor in life is on things that fluctuate. However, Jesus Christ brings us true peace, and those who follow Him have the anchor of life and hope through His life, death and resurrection. As Jesus Himself said, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” (John 14:27). Dear catechumens, do you want to have this stability? We would like to share with you some of the details, please feel free to contact us!
Nordic Chinese Christian Church Gothenburg Gospel Church
January 1, 2024
The theme of the church (English) : Spiritual Renewal, Spreading the Gospel
Sunday Service for children every Sunday (start again from 31/10-2021)
10:00 a.m. on even numbered weeks
2:00 p.m. on odd numbered weeks
For information about the number of current week, please check
Prayer meeting on a monthly basis and the time, date and venue will be announced in advance.
For more infiormation about the Nordic Chinese Christian Church, please check